Tuesday 5 April 2016

Nigeria: 'King David was gay; Ruth was a lesbian' - Gay Pastor

Nigeria's first openly gay pastor, Rev. Jide Macaulay, is stirring another controversy and this time, he is sure to be up in arms with a lot of Christians who are bound to find his words very discomforting.

The Founder of House of Rainbow, a church where homosexuals and lesbians worship, took to his Facebook and Twitter accounts to announce an upcoming event that the coalition is putting together tagged:
'What does the Bible say about homosexuality?'

But Macaulay who describes himself as an activist, author and queer theologian, went further to say that from what he has reading the Bible, the great King David was gay while another character in the bible, Ruth was a lesbian.

Read what he wrote:

"The Holy Bible tells me DAVID IS GAY & RUTH IS A LESBIAN. If this makes you mad, you need to wake up.

Being gay is not a criteria for heaven, neither is heterosexual. Jesus said love God and your neighbour as yourself. Queering the bible is not a new thing; there is black theology associated with empowering black people who were once a subject of brutal interpretation and oppression.

Slavery was a construction of religious interpretations and for Queer Theology, we must look holistically at the text that speak or remotely represents. Women were once victims of the theology of inequality and then Feminist theology was developed. We must offer liberation and inclusion in its fullness.

David and Jonathan are Gays, Ruth and Naomi are lesbians; if we are to interpret using modern languages to describe the behaviours, accounts and evidences in the bible.

Harriet Tubman said, "I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed an additional thousand slaves only if they knew they were slaves".

Not many LGBT people of faith will accept this queering of the bible because they don't want to believe they too had a very special place in biblical history."

Culled from africaeagle

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