Saturday 23 April 2016

Cool Fm Oap Freeze shares his view on the Seun Egbegbe and Toyin Aimakhu's relationship drama

Daddy Freeze took to his instagram page to share his views on the Seun Egbegbe and Toyin Aimakhu's drama. Read below...

From the interviews Seun has been granting concerning his relationship with @aimakhutoyin, embarrassing snippets of which are being released one after the other, to an audience with an insatiable appetite for drama, I have deduced that he never loved her, rather, was infatuated with her on-screen persona. If he truly loved her, he would have respected her ‘status’ as a public figure instead of exploiting it through cheap publicity.

I don’t think it’s fair for Seun to think he can have a relationship with her on-screen alter ego, if he is not ready to love and respect her as a ‘woman’ first!

Seun said all sorts of demeaning things about her. With statements like “I gave her my Range and entered Taxis” to his credit, you can catch a glimpse into his mindset. (By the way that car is not a ‘Range’ it’s an LR3 which is a ‘Land Rover’ and not a ‘Range Rover’). I thought that statement was a bit off, but unknown to me, that would only become the inception of a harrowing onslaught, directed at her person in front of a cheering audience.

Why should Seun say, “Toyin is not ready to live in any man house” like he put it in his ‘Queen’s English’? The fact that he failed at having a successful relationship with her doesn’t mean every single man who tries would also fail. Until Sir Edmund Hillary climbed to the summit of Mount Everest, it was considered impossible because every man before him failed.

Seun, what you did to her would drown most women but not Toyin, as she personifies the strength of a woman, under pressure she didn’t crack! She ‘chested’ it like we used to say back in secondary school, when a teacher flogged you and you pretended like it didn’t hurt! It didn’t remove the agony from the situation, it just showed that the combined force of her inner strength and high pain threshold, have done a ‘back to sender’, thereby reversing the consequence of Your action and the joke is now on you.

My advice is, do her an apology for what you have said and move on, hopefully you guys can still be friends and gain from each other, one way or another. And while your at it, please stop talking and granting interviews because honestly………we have laughed enough!

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